What we do in plain English

Maximize Wealth

Strive to make sure you are financially free in retirement

Minimize Tax

Strive to make sure you pay as little tax as legally possible.
We achieve this by being really, really good at the following.

Why is this so important to get right?

Because the quality of 1/3 of your life is determined by your retirement plan

At retirement, your whole financial life essentially collapses down to one binary question: will your money outlive you, or will you outlive your money?

Most people we meet not only don’t know what the answer is, they didn’t know that was the question.

A nonsmoking couple of average retirement age – which is 62 – has a joint life expectancy of thirty years. In English, that means that on average the second person will pass at age 92.

At trendline inflation of three percent, the cost of living goes up almost two and a half times over thirty years.*

*Source: rateinflation.com

If you haven’t got a plan to increase your income about as much as your living costs are going up in retirement, then you may – without realizing it – have a plan for running out of money.

Our mission is to help folks make the right kind of plan. It’s a much shorter, less complicated conversation than you might expect. And if you wish, you can speak with an associate today – right now, in fact – without cost or obligation.

I’ll leave you with three more points.

  1. Since 1935 – just to pick a timeframe that almost certainly takes in the lifetimes of anyone reading this – the CPI cost of living index compounded at its long term trend rate of three percent. But the dividend – just the cash income, mind you – of the S&P’s stock index compounded at about five and a half percent. *Source: rateinflation.com
  2. The S&P’s stock index is currently made up of hundreds of the largest, best financed, most profitable companies in America and the world. Those companies have been raising their dividends at very nearly twice the inflation rate as long as you have been alive. *Source: stern.nyu.edu
  3. Rising dividends are one important way smart people have kept their retirement incomes growing well beyond their living costs.

We help people get this right and solve this problem. Everyday. Let us help you.

What you can do

The first most important thing for both of us is fact finding exercise, which is a complete understanding of your cherished financial goals – what, and who, you’re investing for. 

Next, we figure out how much capital you’re going to need to achieve these goals.  

The question then becomes: how much are you bringing to the table to fund those goals (how much can you realistically save and invest within your working/saving lifetimes? In essence, this is a budgeting decision).

Then we look at what kinds of investments – which asset classes – have historically been the most likely to produce the returns you need to achieve the goals in the time allotted.  

Finally, we create a diversified set of specific investments within those asset classes – a portfolio.  

Then it just becomes a matter of helping you stay on track through all the stresses and strains of an investing lifetime; in the long run, that’s the most important thing we can do for you. 

Speak to our team

Have a brief call with our team and complete a questionnaire.

We put together a plan

After completing a questionnaire, our advisory team will create a plan tailored around you.

Stick to the plan

If you choose to become a client, we will invest your assets according to the plan, help you minimize your taxes, and help you achieve your financial goals for your entire life.

Our promise to you

You will never find another investment advisor who’ll care more about you and your family, or who’ll be more deeply committed to the realization of your financial goals.

Josh listens. He cares about what matters most to his clients. He works his butt off. And he always, always acts with the utmost integrity and discretion. You can trust Josh to do what is right, not what is merely expedient.
Tim Richardson
Founder & CEO, Enliven
Josh's work is second to none. I had no idea that the strategies in which he specializes even existed.
The Honorable Katherine McCary
Founder & CEO, C5 Consulting
Josh states his value proposition as "dramatically improving organizational and individual finances." Dramatic is an understatement. His analysis and advice are as good as it gets.
Dr. Toni Cleveland
CEO, Higher Education Research & Development Institute

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